Exfoliation with kece, traditional turbashi, full body foam massage, hair wash.
This service is combined with the following extra care services:
head massage - hair wash
foot massage
back massage
simultaneous head massage - wash and foot massage
(two bathing therapists)
Bath: staying in the bath room in order to prepare the skin and open the skin pores to remove dead cells with a kece, wearing a pastemal and pouring water of the desired temperature with the tass
Kece: glove used to remove dead cells. Gives the body a feeling of softness and rejuvenation
Turbashi: 100% cotton bag for foam production
Tass: traditional hand-forged bowl with antimicrobial effects, which is used in the hammam for pouring water
Pastemal: light woven towel with fringes made of 100% cotton
A hammam is essentially a steam room. It takes place in a beautiful and well-kept, specially designed chamber, where the temperature is around 38°C and the humidity is strongly felt in the space.